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Campus Life News

GCC Grant Provides over $210,000 for Campus Mental Health Programs


The Governor’s Office, the Department of Mental Health Services, and the Office of Higher Education have awarded Gateway Community College a $210,480 Connecticut Campus Mental Health Program grant to support mental health services for students. The grant, which is awarded under the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund is specifically intended to increase access to care and to provide education and improve awareness of available resources, and to conduct training for faculty, staff, and students.

The grant will allow GCC to supply improved capacity and technical resources to meet student demand for mental health services, and improve awareness of existing mental health services and programs that are available on campus, online or through a community provider. The grant also funds training to equip faculty, staff, campus mental health coalitions, and students with the skills and knowledge required to identify, support, and respond to students with mental illnesses, developed with consideration given to the students’ race, cultural background, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, socio-economic status or status as a veteran or service member of the armed forces of the United States.

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