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Gateway Community College Preparing Leaders to Advance Student Success


Six outstanding Gateway Community College (GCC) leaders were chosen to attend the Connecticut Change Leadership workshop program. The program, which will be held virtually in October, and facilitated by the University of Texas at Austin Charles A. Dana Center, is a professional development opportunity open only to nominated Connecticut State Colleges & Universities (CSCU) community college leaders.

The Gateway attendees will include Ronald Chomicz, Accessibility Specialist; Christine Cherry, Assistant Professor/PC, Computer Engineering Technology; Maribel Lopez, Registrar; Erika Lynch, Continuing Education Coordinator, The GREAT Center; Andrea Macnow, Grants Development Specialist; and Samantha Murphy, Accessibility Specialist.

“Gateway Community College is fortunate to have so many leaders on campus, and we are proud to send this group to represent Gateway at this nationally-regarded opportunity for professional development,” Gateway CEO William T. Brown said. “Developing the potential of our faculty and staff is a key driver of our students’ success, and we look forward to our colleagues bringing back what they learn to help the college do its work better.”

With colleagues in this CSCU cohort, the participants will strengthen their leadership skills through an assessment of their leadership styles and strategies to address others’ styles. Each leader will come away with a leadership plan applied to leading the change at hand. The interconnectivity and interdependence between faculty, staff and administrators in advancing student success strategies will be of primary focus.

Thanks to funding from Jobs for the Future in partnership with the CSCU Success Center, this professional development opportunity will be made available at no cost to the nominees.

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